Fabric Warehouse 2.0

Fabric Warehouse 2.0 was developed through repurposing an existing storage warehouse to suit the client’s specific requirements and presence. The brief was in two parts; regenerate the existing office entity with emphasis on a public interface to the common workspaces and to create a warehouse below that provided a functional space for racking and distribution of fabric with a striking connection to the above office.

The outcome has been to develop gallery-type common workspaces with a high stud that allows for a showcase of the client’s art and objects, alongside business operations. The buildings enclosure has been re-presented to provide a sense of mystery that folds open and provide a discovery of sequences internally.

Project details: Construction completed early 2020. Fearon Hay’s project team led by Doug Weir. Tim Hay and Jeff Fearon are the design architects. Photographs by Michelle Weir.